What is a Family Law Mediation and How do I Prepare For It?

What is a family law mediation?

Family law mediations are informal meetings between the parties with their divorce lawyers and a third party mediator. The mediator is typically a neutral party and they do not give legal advice. This means that they do not take sides and they can’t make decisions for you.

They are private and are without prejudice. This means that the information shared in a mediation cannot be used as evidence at trial. The parties can learn details and facts about a case through the discussions held at mediation, but those discussions cannot be used as evidence in the litigation proceeding.

The goal of mediation is to resolve issues and agree on possible solutions in the family law case.


What happens at a family law mediation?

In family law, you and your divorce lawyer can choose to mediate instead of going to trial, to try to settle your family law case. The mediators will guide the parties through the different issues and negotiate each issue one at a time. The issues can include spousal support, child support, parenting arrangements and division of property. When the parties agree on each issue, the mediator or the divorce lawyers can prepare minutes of settlement, parenting agreements, and even separation agreements. Be patient, because it can sometimes take several mediations with your divorce lawyer to get through all the issues.


How are family law mediations useful?

Mediations can be useful as they bring the parties together with the benefit of a neutral third party to guide the parties through the issues. They can be useful if you and your divorce lawyers are in a deadlock and unable to agree on any issues in the family law proceeding. They are also private which means the public cannot have access to the information in the family law proceeding, as opposed to trials that become public information once a judgment is rendered.


When are mediations not useful?

Mediations may not be appropriate when there are issues of family violence, or if getting the parties into one room could cause conflict. However, most mediators are very well trained when it comes to family violence, and they are sensitive to the circumstances. Typically, they will have a set of questions sent to the parties and their divorce lawyers prior to mediation to determine whether mediation would be the best approach. If necessary, mediation can be done where the parties are not in the same room, and the mediator can go back and forth between the respective rooms to assist with resolution of their family law issues.


How to prepare for a family law mediation?

You should have already shared all financial disclosure, and come prepared with your position on the different issues on spousal support, child support, parenting arrangements and division of property. It would be ideal if you share all financial information prior to the mediation so that each party can assess the case and come to the table with a proposal.


You should also have done counselling prior to mediation so that you are ready to agree on issues of separation. Often times, if you have not dealt with issues through counselling, you may not ready to make decisions on them.


Want to learn more? Please contact us for a consultation.

The material provided in this blog is for general information and education purposes only and does not contain, and should not be construed as containing, legal advice applicable to a particular set of facts. If you require legal advice, please contact us for a consultation with one of our experienced family law lawyers (Abby Pang, LLB; Lisa Harris, JD)

Abby Pang

Abby is a lawyer and loving mother of two children. She is an advocate for healthy families and children. She has turned her energy towards supporting families, by providing guidance and helping families navigate through the legal system, while empowering them to have a voice throughout the process.

Abby Pang’s journey began in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Subsequently, her family moved to the east side of Vancouver, before moving to Richmond, where she spent most of her childhood. Her father was a refugee who came to Canada in 1970, and from him she learned the meaning of grit.

In her youth, Abby experienced a breakdown in her family unit which resulted in divorce. She understands that marital breakdowns and divorces can be complicated, but also devastating. She also understands there are alternative options and ways to mitigate the damaging effects of the process.

Abby earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of British Columbia, studying psychology and family studies. She earned a law degree from Manchester Metropolitan University, exchange program through the Hong Kong University. In 2008, she returned to British Columbia to work in a large law office while completing her National Certificate of Accreditation. She then completed her articles in a boutique law firm in Vancouver. She was called to the British Columbia bar in 2012.

Abby has appeared in Provincial Court, Supreme Court and Court of Appeal. She deals with personal injury claims, sexual assault (civil) claims, and family law matters: In addition to her court experience, Abby takes a “family first” approach and is resolution-focused. She is registered through the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.

As a lawyer, Abby Pang’s community involvement included volunteer work with the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers and the Canadian Bar Association Women Lawyers’ Forum. As well, she had the opportunity to assist at Rise Women’s Legal Center and Battered Women’s Support Services through volunteering with Amici Curiae Friends of Court.

Abby is the recipient of A Woman of Worth Leader of the Year Award 2023 for her outstanding achievements in strengthening her community/organization through innovative approaches to resolving challenges and inspiring meaningful change. She has been recognized nationally as a nominee of the YWCA Women of Distinction Awards 2023, which honours extraordinary women leaders and businesses.

In her personal time, Abby enjoys snowboarding, bike riding, and spending time with her family.


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