My Business is Being Valuated for Separation - How Do I Keep the Cost of the Report Down?
During a separation or divorce, part of the procedure requires your family law lawyer to help negotiate a fair division of assets. If you own a business, you may want the business to be valuated in order to determine a fair division of assets. Business valuation reports can be expensive but there are ways to help minimize the cost of the report.
Cost Considerations
The cost of a business valuation report can depend on the size and complexity of the business. To keep the costs down, we recommend providing financial documents in a timely manner and providing good quality responses to the valuator. Do not send irrelevant information to the business valuator.
Trust Between Parties
Similar to your general family law matter, the cost of the report can depend on the level of trust between the parties. If you do not believe the financial information provided by the other party, you may ask the valuator to conduct a forensic audit of the records, but this could be expensive and lead to increased costs.
Cooperation Between Lawyers
The more fighting there is between the family law lawyers, the more your business valuation report will cost, so it's important that there is cooperation. If the family law lawyers can effectively negotiate with the parties to agree on the facts, this will help reduce the cost of your business valuation report. Some examples of key dates you want agreement on would be separation dates and cohabitation dates.
Confirmation of Facts
If the business valuator is asked to provide an opinion based on different scenarios, this could increase the cost of the business valuation report. The sooner you can agree on key dates, the more helpful it will be to keep the business valuation report a reasonable price.
Typically, the business valuator will be able to provide an estimate on the cost of the report, however, if additional documents are provided, this could also increase the cost of the report.
Verbal Reports
Alternatively, you may want to ask the business valuator to provide a verbal opinion rather than a written report. These could be helpful if you have a smaller company, if the revenue is not high and number of assets is low.
If you need help with negotiating a fair division of assets from your divorce, contact us for a free initial consultation.
Want to learn more? Please contact us for a consultation.
The material provided in this blog is for general information and education purposes only and does not contain, and should not be construed as containing, legal advice applicable to a particular set of facts. If you require legal advice, please contact us for a consultation with one of our experienced family law lawyers.