Family Law & Conflict Mediation

When you’re going through a divorce, the last thing you need is additional stress and emotional strain.

Let us do the heavy lifting so you can focus on your family.

Your divorce has dealt you with enough conflict.

Finding a family law lawyer who takes a collaborative approach to divorce will help you maintain peace of mind through the process and a positive outcome in the long term.

Here are three reasons taking an aggressive approach may not be right for you:

  • High legal fees

  • Increased risk of reaching an unfair settlement

  • A higher degree of hostility following divorce

Mediation is a less adversarial process than litigation and can help you through your divorce in a more amicable way.

The Illuma Approach

Relationships matter in family law. Reputation and the ability to get along with others are important values at Illuma Family Law.

Our team of lawyers works with judges, opposing litigators, and mediators in a positive manner. This allows us to maintain a positive relationship with everyone involved and a more positive outcome for our clients.

Vancouver’s most compassionate divorce lawyers

Abby Pang and the Illuma Family Law team take an approach to family law that prioritizes mediation. We work efficiently and strategically to minimize the negative impacts of relationship breakdowns. Harnessing our expertise to negotiate settlements out of court means less financial impact and heartache for you and your children. Let’s work together to determine spousal support, parenting agreements, child support and property division.